The National forecast page where you entered a zip code to look up a US city forecast has been replaced. It is now called Quick Forecast in which you use a Google map (satellite or roadmap) to select continental US city forecasts. The new forecast page will give you a 6-day forecast for that city and will allow you to expand it for detailed 6 hour forecasts by clicking the Show Details button at the top of the page. The page automatically defaults to the local forecast area for this website. The page can be accessed on the left menu navigation panel under Forecasts – Quick Forecast. It should be noted that the Quick Forecast page are forecasts generated by the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth, Texas. This website’s official forecast products are the 2-Day Outlook on the Home page, the 7-Day forecast grid under Forecasts – 7-Day, and the Detailed forecasts under Forecasts – Detailed (all of which are based for DFW Airport). The Hourly Forecast page under Forecats – Hourly is generated by a computer weather model provided by WeatherUnderground.